Route W96 to KPHF, round trip. I nailed it! I asked Jim to handle the radio so I could take in the 2 way communication happenings to gain exposure before I do it. He provided me with helpful tips via email prior to the flight. That helped prepare me for the exchange that would occur in flight & on the ground. ATC comm is a completely different dynamic. I'm used to just talking, mainly, operating at untowered FBOs. Some important things with ATC flights -> listen, write down key info, be prepared to read back the key info, have the taxi diagram available & if you're unclear confirm!
Taxi diagrams are key to review before your flight. Some have several taxi ways & it will help you to be prepared with the layout in mind. I'm excited to do this myself!
We landed on Runway 7 which is 8003 x 150. For me that's like looooong! Love it! Lots of tire marks from the big birds. For perspective my home base FBO W96 is 3600 x 75. Strong cross winds on this day.
We land and park. Let's talk about this FBO for a moment. One word, WOW! Very classy. First and foremost, to me it's not just the decor, it's the people you meet. Mike came out and set up the chalk for the plane. Janet works at the front on weekends. She was fantastic!! What a great welcoming airport ambassador!
This FBO has a beautiful lobby area. Cracks me up that this airport and another have the same metal stone coffee table as I have at my place. Nice taste!:-)
On this day the FBO had chocolate cookies, juices, coffee tea machine, and more. Star sights mentioned making appearances at this airport ~ Barbara Steisand & John Travolta. If you're in the area, drop by and visit them!
Here are a few pictures from yesterday's Virginia Aviation Adventures. Already looking forward to the next round!
Over & out!:-)
Great day of flying! I'm striking a pose before leaving KPHF.
W96, spotted the Champ taking off:-)
Flight to KPHF here we go!
This was a good video on YouTube I checked out about VFR tower radio communication. I really like Jason's MzeroA series! Recommend you check out his videos.
We got some crosswind gusts at Newport News.
Newport News / Williamsburg International airport!
Cool glass wall into the Cafe.

Janet was not joking. I wanted the bathroom sink! :-) Very nice decor.
This is my coffee table! Great taste!:-)
Taxi diagrams are a must! Study them before flights so you know the layout.By the way, I LOVE my Stratus. Also, I continue to enjoy collecting my Virginia Aviation Ambassador stamps.
Jim walking by. Check out this lobby!
This was an accidental picture that turned out sweeeet! It's important to take notes when flying into towered airports so you can record and read back key information.
Walking back to my plane... Ok, future pic caption!;-)I LOVE these incredible views.
Where did you fly this weekend?What learnings did you pick up?