Hello Fellow Fantastic Flying Friends!
I hope 2015 has started off great for you all and has included some awesome ️flying! Mine has, including a few of my best flights to date this month. WOOHOO! Eager to stay this pattern!:-D
Flying, for me, is an Aviation Love Flow. A winning recipe includes clear planning prior to flight, a great takeoff, turns enroute, adjusting, refining, & a great landing that makes you feel a big YESSS in every cell. Great weather helps, too!:-)
I reflect on why I flying resonates with me so strongly. It's the sense of growth and personal accomplishments in a challenging field most do not partake in. It's all the amazing feelings And memories I gain. It's also fellow pilots I meet that match that extraordinary passion and energy in how they fly & live!
I have yet to meet a pilot who was like, "Meeeeeh..." when I've chatted with them about flying. Regardless if they are active or haven't flown for a while, there is a fire in the eyes and the love for flight palpatable. That Rocks!
In connecting with fellow pilots, I value that passion and enthusiasm we share for this extraodinary field. This type of planning and discipline applies to many facets of a successful path in Life, aviation and beyond.
Aviation to me is a wonderous blend of passion, determination, perseverance and being in tune and nimble to adjust along the way for better performance. Personally, there are few things I have found in Life that demand your best to this degree, to focus everything on these flying moments, to show up giving your best everytime and never want for complacency. Flying is one of those things to me. That is how I'm wired, so I value the alignment of those standards I feel I get in aviation. I celebrate my growing skills/experience and am eager to improve, all while learning more. I love the challenges and learnings I gain. It's making for a better version of me!
Shoutout to great things that support my journey to find my wings --> great FBOs & crews like mine, NKA, CFIs like Jim Oddono & Matt Welch who are setting me up for success, fellow pilots I connect with that inspire and share insights with me that enhance my journey and organizations like AOPA & EAA that support General Aviation efforts/education and safety.
Life moves fast. I challenge you, like I do myself, to keep doing great things that make the journey an EPIC one!
What is Aviation to you? How does it make you feel when you fly?
Here are a few pictures & YouTube videos caught on my GoPro from my flights this month.
This is my flying love face. You'll see it in often in my flight posts!
I love wearing it.:-)

1/2/2015: W96, New Kent Aviation (NKA), Virginia.
A little drizzle, but still VFR! My focus in this day was pattern work and finesse my landings. It was great flying! I was very pleased with my TP setups & landings. So was my CFI, Jim Oddono!
Love the patchwork design from up high
Post flight smiles!
1/5/2015: W96, New Kent & KRIC, Richmond International Airport Virginia back to W96
My birthday flight rocked! Was a tad windy, but not too terrible. It was my first time flying with NKAs new full time CFI Matt Welch. On a social media plug note, I'm active on it. I actually met Mat through LinkedIn before I met him in person at NKA. That was a cool example of how digital connections can enhance your reach to connect with great contacts!
So this flight we did a XWind take off and landing at W96, then headed to KRICs towered airport. I wanted to observe Matt's radio handlings. There was activity there. We came in behind a jetliner, big guy so he ensured we kept a safe distance. We did 3 touch and gos. Runway 34 seemed like it went on forever (was very long) for our little Cessna 152!:-) I like the added challenges of all the activity happening at this airport. Keeps you on your toes even more than usual! It was a fun flight with new learnings.
Me getting prepped. am sporting a Wazoo survival tools parachord bracelet. Love their products! Bringing 'Be Prepared' to a new level. I likie! My favorites are the Adventure bracelet, this Zombie bracelet, & Woodchuck key chains. Check out their site:
http://www.wazoosurvivalgear.comCheck out my product review on their survival skills bracelet on my
Adventure blog:Enroute to KRIC
We spotted and came in after this big guy! Seeing the passengers de-plane as we climbed out.. They looked like ants!!!
Here's Matt in action!
Hard to see, but there are the National Guard helicopters. I LOVE helicopters!
Working it! Line up for landing runway 34.
Back to W96
I see my car!:-)
Post flight smiles! Check out that sock. Windy!
1/19/2015 - New Kent W96 to West Point KFYJ to Hummel W75 back to W96
Great flight to 2 different FBOs, KFYJ and my first time landing at W75. Shortest runway I've landed to date (2270x45).
I planned out the routes to identify key landmarks along the way. I'm very pleased I spotted everything I wanted to get us to and from each location. I'm still working ing in finessing my landings. I was most pleased with my second landing at W75, which I share in a link below.
Here is Stuart, Director of Maintenance (aka the mastermind keeping the planes in tip top shape!) and Matt rolling out this mighty 152 lil' guy who's ready to be flown!:-)
Here's a few pictures: Upper left - Me with Stuart. Shoutout to the crews who ensure the planes are at their best! Upper right: Smiles with the Champ in the background. I must fly him this year. Lower left: High Altitude smile from beautiful Virginia! Lower right: Post flight smile. Another great day of Flying Virginia!
Taking off w96
On Final KFYJ
Traveling to W75
On Final W75
W75, it's been fun. Time to head back to W96!
Below are two GoPro videos caught on this flight. I added music to this footage, so buckle up and enjoy the view on this virtual ride with me! They were a blast! I hope it leaves a smile on your face and the want to get more air time, fellow pilots. I know I'm ready to get UP again!❤️✈
Takeoff at New Kent #W96 Click here
Landing at Hummel #75 Click here
Pilots ~ What is your favorite FBO to land at and what are those runway dimensions? I'd love to hear. May inspire a future trip for me!
Happy & Safe Flying, Always!