Saturday, March 15, 2014

Social Media Aviation News

Just learned about the SocialFlight app.
I was looking for something like this to find out what fun flying events & aviation meetings were occurring around my vicinity. This is going to make it easier to find that info! 

I like something like this for a few reasons:
1) Less time for me to research where things are happening means more time for me to enjoy flying
2) Making me aware of things happening ~ you don't know what you don't know! Case in point: A) On a foodie note (I like my food!), learned there is doughnut & coffee fly ins the first Sat of the month at KJGG. Ummm Yes, I should plan a flight there to partake now that I know. I look forward to seeing what avi fun in happening!:-) B) On an avi educational/be informed note, there are different safety & avi meetings posted here as well. 
3) I want to broaden my pilot connections & this is a good way to become aware of what is happening & where.

Are you using SocialFlight app or something like it to learn more about what social gathering happening in the pilot community? I'd love to hear your experience if you are tapping into social media apps or sites.

Happy & safe flying fun!

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