This is a virtual hub to meet fellow aviators, make connections, learn & share information! I'm an Aviation Digitalite with a passion for aviation and digital / technology / social media tools. I use various online tools to share and tap into information. Pilot interviews, aviation articles & sites will be posted here. Visit my primary site for more about my passion for aviation and connecting with others who just get why we love to fly!:-)
Saturday, July 25, 2015
EPIC High Altitude Climb
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Incredible Things in Aviation
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Meet a Real American Hero, Erik Sabiston, U.S. Army helicopter pilot and author of Dustoff 7-3!
Years later I became a UH-60 Blackhawk crewchief in the 101st Airborne. Still petrified of heights, I loved the job and being part of a crew. I would sit around in my free time reading every aviation magazine I could find. One of my pilots Jason Jones noticed this and remarked that I seemed to love aviation more than any pilot in our unit. I realized then that I would never be satisfied until I had the flight controls in my hands.
In 2007 I flew the TH-67 for the first time at Fort Rucker. Flight school was tough for me. I was much older than my peers and spent every waking moment in the books. I knew this was my last chance to live my dream, and I was determined that nothing was going to derail me. I selected UH-60s in 2008. I wanted 60s because the mission was more diverse than any other airframe in the Army.
When you have passengers fly like your loved ones are in the back; you are responsible for their lives. Always study and train the maneuvers and tasks you know you're weak at. FLY IFR! For military aviators: a good instrument pilot is usually a good combat pilot.
Working with people and experiencing new things. I meet people from every walk of life in the military and I get to snatch folks out of really bad places. Nothing feels as good as knowing that in some small way you've made a difference. I also love to travel and seeing the world. Flying for my country has given me the opportunity to do that, and that's a blessing.
Lamberts in Sikeston, MO., "Home of the Throwed Rolls!" I also like the breakfast in Selma, AL. I'm a foodie, so anywhere that has JP8 and barbecue is just fine with me!
I love flying into Jack Edwards near Gulf Shores, AL. It has an out of the way, beach kinda' feel to it and the folks are really friendly. My favorite is one that I've never flown into it, but I loved visiting it as a kid... NAS Oceana. So much great military hardware on the flight line, it kinda takes your breathe away!
"Absolutely incredible." - Charlie Rose, CBS News
"This story is extraordinary!" - Martha Raddatz, ABC News
"You guys are crazy!" - Renee Montagne, NPR News
"I have just read a marvelous book that I wish to recommend to all Americans, Dustoff 7-3 by Erik Sabiston. The flying was on the absolute edge, harrowing beyond description. Sabiston does a magnificent job… I was blown away! Flying at the fringes of the machine's capability, in terrible weather and under enemy fire much of the time, he and his crew in an unarmed Blackhawk rescued 14 wounded soldiers, made three critical resupply runs, recovered two soldiers KIA, and nearly died several times. All in three days. Dustoff 7-3 is a combat helicopter flying tale right on par with CHICKENHAWK by Robert Mason, which I thought was the finest true combat helicopter story ever written until I read Sabiston's work. I'm going to put Sabiston's book on the shelf side by side with Mason's. After I read Dustoff 7-3, I have been shaking hands with every soldier I meet. They are all heroes to me!" - Stephen Coonts - 17-Time NY Times bestselling author of "Flight of the Intruder"
"This is a great book! It puts you in the seat and offers an intimate look at the men and women who put it all on the line when troops are in need." - Kevin Maurer, #1 NY Times Bestselling Author of “No Easy Day"
You want to know what the phrase "courage under fire" is really all about? Read Erik Sabiston's Dustoff 7-3." - John Weisman, 7-Time NY Timesbestselling author of "KBL"
"An engaging and thrilling insight into the world of US Army MEDEVAC's in Afghanistan. Erik does a wonderful job detailing the dangerous calls and the bravery demonstrated by not only the medics but the fearless pilots." - Marty Katz, Film Producer of “Titanic” & “The Great Raid”
"Erik Sabiston and the crew of Dust Off 7-3 are real-deal American heroes." - Scott MacTavish, Author of “Battle Ready” & director of “MURPH: The Protector”
"I used to wonder who those angels were that flew into our most hellish moments in combat, those men and women who would risk everything to save us or at least return our dead. After reading Dustoff 7-3, now I know." - MAJ (Ret.) Rusty Bradley, author of "Lions of Kandahar"
“It’s about time their story is told.” – Leslie Marshall, FOX News Channel contributor, Nationally Syndicated Radio Host and Blog Columnist
“A gripping and heart-pounding tale of duty, and near death for the chopper crew, Dustoff 7-3represents a war story of gallantry.” – Jay Strafford, Richmond Times Dispatch
“A brave, cool hand behind the stick by necessity, Sabiston also writes astutely, cutting his deck of drama-riddled “cards” with slices of wry humor and true-life human interest. In doing so, he deals a winning hand.” – Dorcey Wingo, Vertical Magazine
"I expected adrenaline junkies or war cowboys, but instead found four regular people susceptible to the same fears and doubts as anyone else." - Tony Dokoupil, NBC News
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Extraordinary Perspectives & the Push to Upgrade!
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Military Appreciation Month Spotlight: "This story is for heroes." Buckle up and read this inspiring story of Dedication, Teamwork and Courage!
Saturday, May 9, 2015
A Recipe for Inspiration: Connections + Sharing = Expands Your Mind
This is Whitianga airfield. He took a 30min trip in the tiny Tecnam Echo, an Italian aircraft. He shared, "At only 70 kiwi$ a bargain. That's about 53$ in your money." I laugh when he writes "your money". I do enjoy meeting people from around the world where we even have to reference your versus my money, as in different currencies!:-)
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Night Flying Fun in Virginia!
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Living it UP! One Recipe for Happiness: Think it. Want it. Go get it.Shine on!

Flying over you bridge! :-)

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” | |
Choose to be the greatest version of you. Encourage others to be their best version. You never know just who's watching and being influenced by your actions. Why not Inspire? I dare you!:-)
Happy Adventuring, Always!